Ceratopsian Full Broadcast

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Located on the continent of Africa, near the gulf of guinea lies the country of Cameroon. In 1931 the first reports began to surface about a semi-aquatic animal or creature that said to be extremely territorial. The strange animal has been seen by the local tribes up and down the Likouala swamp (same regions as the Mokele-Mbembe). Now Lucien Blanou (a chief game inspector) in French Equatorial Africa, wrote of a ferocious creature in the Congo, larger than a buffalo, that was considered the most dangerous animal by the Kelle Pygmies, The Kelle called the animal “Emela-Ntouka “KILLER OF ELEPHANTS”. Is this creature a living Dinosaur, Prehistoric Mammal, or perhaps a hybrid of some sort??? Our guest today has ventured deep into the heart of the Cameroon in search of variants of prehistoric beasts. Our guest is an author, researcher. explorer, and filmmaker. He has been featured on many shows including "Monsterquest", the "BBC", and George Noory’s "Coast To Coast". William (Bill) J Gibbons joins us on the Ropen Network to talk Emela-Ntouka.

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