In this talk, BLM botanist Charity Glade will introduce us to the often-overlooked world of lichens living right here in the Willamette Valley. Charity is a District Botanist for NW Oregon district working out of the Salem office, where she is the Invasive Species coordinator, ACEC coordinator, Title II coordinator, and co-lead for the Special Status Plants program. She graduated from OSU in 2010 with a degree in botany and has been working in that field ever since. Charity was a botanical survey subcontractor for seven years, during which she also became a certified Northwest Lichenologist and served two terms as a NW Lichenologist board member. During her last two years as a contractor, she also worked as a seasonal at the NW Oregon District. Charity was hired as a permanent federal employee first by the Willamette National Forest followed by the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NF before finding her way back to NW Oregon District as program lead.